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Friday 30 November 2018


Is India (Hindutva) really changing under PM Modi?

This is the biggest change underway we are witnessing in India in last hundred of years.

After lots of suffering and losing so much of territory to all the invaders, be it Muslim invaders or British, they have destroyed Hinduism to such an extent that we were ashamed of our own culture.
All political parties took Hindus for granted but perceptions change with time.

Congress said that there is no historical proof of Ram and now same Congress is busy making Rahul Gandhi a shivbhakt. This is a big paradigm shift in Indian politics and country that no one can deny. This is just the beginning of the change.

Ohh and how can you forget this? He is CPI(M) General Secretary Sitaram Yechury. I am sure no one expected this before Modi came in.

Now all political parties talking welfare of Hindus suddenly because they have realized now if you want to win elections you need Hindu votes but now its too late.

Dharmic Renaissance is on the way which is way too important and necessary now for India.

This change is just a start and I believe this start will bring such reforms that we have not witnessed in the last 2000 years. You may laugh at this right now but let 2019 pass and you will see how things will be in the next 5 years.

Yes, India is changing under PM Modi. I am loving this change. Consider yourself lucky to witness the change.

We are most fortunate to watch this revolution which most yet not understood but most of the present living being will witness.

Vedic people will reestablish Dharma in India.

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